Hello! Please find answers to some of our most commonly asked questions below before filling out our contact form.
Note that we no longer sell or produce the FlowJoe Standard, RMax or Gas Guzzler.
- If you are looking to "Register Your Product" we now have it done automatically and you are all set.
- If you are looking to find out if our 12V FlowJoe units works with your vehicle, click here for a spreadsheet listing those we have confirmed.
- If your vehicle is not on our list, we recommend going to your nearest hardware store and purchasing 1/4" refrigerator line to test it.
- If you need extra access line, we recommend the same as above.
- If you have a Standard or our unit with a brass pump, please click here to purchase a comparable replacement kit.
- If you have an RMax or our unit with a blue pump, please click here to purchase a comparable replacement pump.
- If you have a Guzzler or our unit with a black pump, please click here to purchase a comparable replacement pump.
- If you need a new cap for your Arizona Ice pack please reach out to us below with your order number and address.